Organizations that have low maturity might leave the budget “as is” and might be more reactive than proactive if a budget doesn't meet expectations. The level of control depends on the organizational culture and the organization's level of maturity. Based on the established budget, a company can enable budget control. Budget register entries let you revise original budgets, perform transfers, and carry forward budget amounts from the previous year. Budget register entries provide tools for maintaining the budget and for keeping amounts traceable through budget codes. After a budget is established and approved in the application, you convert the budget plan to a budget register entry. Users can configure unlimited monetary and quantitative scenarios, and can also define a budgeting organizational hierarchy to both support top-down and bottom-up budgeting methods.
Budget plan documents are tightly integrated with Microsoft Excel. The processes for both long-term strategic planning and annual budget planning are supported through a budget plan document. The resource planning cycle for a company typically consists of planning, budgeting, and forecasting activities. This article provides an overview of the budgeting functionality components, budgeting tools, and reporting capabilities.